You hear all the time about how people buy an off road caravan and rarely, if ever, use it for its intended purpose. I would say that is true for a great many owners of off road caravans. Some of us actually do want to take our vans into the terrain they were designed. It sounds […]
Read MoreWhy do Dual Cab Utes Bend…?
This question has been doing the rounds of the internet for some time now as more and more cases of bent dual cab utes are reported. So what is causing this and are all dual cab utes at risk of bending? What is it Archimedes said? Give me a lever big enough and I’ll move […]
Read MoreNew Awning Shade – How cool is this?
Last month we ordered a customised awning shade from RV Shade and Covers with our website logo on it. While I wont go into the full story of the ordering process here, I will say that it took a bit of work in order to get the logo to a high enough resolution for it to look […]
Read MoreFirst modification made to Safari Tamer
Ok…its not strictly a modification but we added the essential Do Not Overtake Turning Vehicle sign to the back of the van yesterday. These signs warn traffic behind you that you are a long vehicle, that you may stray into another lane while turning and to give way to you while doing so. This is particularly useful on […]
Read MoreDangers of automatic central locking.
I had an unusual experience on the weekend. I got flagged down by an older guy parked on the side of the Hume Highway just to the south of Craigieburn in his 2014 Holden Colorado. I stopped and asked what the problem was. He told me he had pulled over for an emergency pee break, got […]
Read MoreCelebrating 500 Page Visitors
Hi everyone, Today we passed a unique milestone with our 500th unique visitor to the website….! Given the site has been online for just under a month, we are pretty happy with this result. We are trying to increase the popularity of the site so please share our site on your Facebook pages. Tell your friends […]
Read MoreNew Roadstar Safari Tamer has Arrived
Well…Kylie and I are over the moon after pickup up or new Roadstar Safari Tamer. It is absolutely fantastic and so beautifully finished both inside and out. Big thank you to Ken , Noel and all the crew at Roadstar Caravans for their professional approach and great service. Also thanks to Peter from Cobram Caravans for […]
Read MoreNeed to fix a broken trailer plug?
Look familiar…? Check out our RV Electrical Resources guide for wiring diagrams for all trailer lighting plugs used in Australia.
Read MoreMore progress on the Safari Tamer
More progress on the new Roadstar Safari Tamer with the wiring completed and the outer panels going on. Hoping for delivery next week. Fingers crossed.
Read MoreFirst pics of Sven – Our new Roadstar Safari Tamer
We’re very excited to see the first build pictures of Sven our new Roadstar Safari Tamer caravan. It looks pretty flash with that aluminium frame…!
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